Saturday, April 30, 2016

Back to Tucson RV Park (and in a nicer RV site)

I left the Colossal Cave Mountain Park campground yesterday. I was able to get the motorcycle onto the back of the RV, but given the mobility I have in my right arm, it requires too much effort. I drove the RV back to the RV park in Tucson, with the motorcycle, and needed some help getting it back off.  I feel sad about not taking the RV trip north with the bike, but it's just not practical until I get the shoulder issue resolved. I've convinced myself that I can take the Toyota car-camping north like I did last summer. And although the summer travel season is still very early, and I could still recover in time for a summer roadtrip with bike and bus, I'll accept some abbreviated version of the original plan. Yes, it's sad.  But on the bright side, I've had a little more insight into where I'd really like to settle down.  Maybe there's a nice place for me here in Tucson. I'm not ready to actively house shop, (My friend Don asked me if I had been here for a summer yet), but the roots I have here make me think I could have a nice home here, and friends. But first things first...get healthy!

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